
The questions related to the forming of employer brand of enterprises of food industry for maintenance of business reputation and further engage and development of employees are investigated in the article. Today it is not enough material motivation for workers, additionally pulled out requirement to the development, management, certification, prosperity on international standards, participating in projects, and ratings. The construction of strong employer brand is the actual task of any enterprise in the conditions of competitive activity strengthening for highly skilled personnel is set. Key companies that work in the field of employer brand research are distinguished. The modern international and Ukrainian rating of the best employers that measure the companies’ attractiveness from the point of view of employment is analyzed. The major factors of choice by the search of company-employer, in particular stability of company at the market, financial possibility of company, its social responsible position, corporate culture and others are distinguished. Comparison of criteria of choosing employer for youth and for experience specialists is conducted. Competitive edges, practices of forming and advancements of employer brand of enterprises of food industry, are outlined on the example of companies such as Nestle, Roshen, PepsiCo Ukraine, that engage serious resources in development and support of their own HR-brands. At image forming, it is necessary to consider its constituents, as moral values, advertisement sphere, packing material, location and situation in office, personnel dress code, firm’s name, forms of firm, business cards, packages and other is offered in the article. The constituents of successful brand (image) of employer for three categories of personnel (students and graduating students, highly skilled professionals, other categories of personnel) are distinguished. On the results of the research, it is considered that employer brand is a long-term, strategic resource for the enterprises of food industry, and the search of highly skilled specialists is permanent continuous and difficult task for HR-managers of companies.

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