
S.L. Frank’s ontological system can be actualized in modern philosophical dis­course as an example of a dynamic, permanently developing philosophy, and can be interpreted and later developed as an ontology of consciousness, an ontology of culture. S.L. Frank believed that man is not conceivable without culture, com­posing an antinomy with culture. In the modern world, in which the value of cul­ture is devalued, the ontology of culture can serve as one of the reasons for the controversy surrounding its axiological status. The purpose of the article is a summary of the ontology of S.L. Frank, the identification of its central core, as well as its genesis. The critical and hermeneutic approaches are the research methodology. Ontology S.L. Frank is invited to consider in the antinomical form of her comprehension: the antinomy of being and God includes the antinomies of consciousness and culture, as well as freedom and evil. The source of the on­tological system is the problem of the crisis of culture. The ontologization of cul­ture is possible with the ontologization of the second part of the antinomy – con­sciousness, which is included (ontologized) into the antinomy “being and God” by changing the structure of the intentional act. The antinomy freedom and evil substantiates the idea that there is nothing existing outside the antinomy of being and God. It is concluded that, trying to solve the problem of evil, as well as to put a limit on the decay of being, SL Frank is trying to prevent the disintegration of God. The article may be useful in modern studies in the history of Russian re­ligious philosophy and ontology.

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