
The article aims mostly to define terminologically the lyrical situation as one of the main components of the lyrical plot. To achieve the intent, the article addresses the following objectives. First, analyzing the earlier writings on the subject, from “Aesthetics” by Hegel to modern works on the plotology and poetics of lyricism (B.V. Tomashevsky, V.M. Zhirmunsky, L.Ya. Ginzburg, T.I. Silman, Yu. Lotman, V. Grechnev, V.I. Tiupa, N.D. Tamarchenko and others). Secondly, formulating our own definition of the lyrical situation as a static state of the inner world of a lyric verse. Third, showing the relationship of the situation with other important components of the lyrical plot. It is a spatiotemporal structure, which largely determines the lyrical situation, as well as the category of event, which is connected (or opposed) to the situation on the principle of dynamics / statics. Fourth, proving the correlation between the lyrical situation and the title of the poem. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the place of the lyrical situation in the lyrical plot of the poem, understood as a system of event-situational elements of the lyrical work, given from the position of the lyrical subject in the process of his reflection deployment.

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