
The most promising way to reduce the need for fungicides in viticulture is the use of re-sistant cultivars. In this regard, an urgent task is the selection of table grape varieties with increased resistance to diseases and frost in combination with high marketability and taste. The article discusses the results of a fif-teen-year study of the promising table variety Aladdin. The variety is interspecific hybrid obtained from a saturating crossing Vostorg krasnyy × Vostorg muskatniy at All-Russian Research Institute for Viticulture and Wine-making– Branch of Federal State Budget Sci-entific Institution «FRARC». The Aladdin variety was compared with the regionalized table variety Vostorg, which is also the paren-tal form in the second generation. The viticul-ture is not irrigated, grafted, not covered, the training is fan type on trunk, the planting scheme is 3 × 1.5 m. In the variety study, the methods generally accepted in viticulture and the standard technology of cultivation of vineyards were used. The Aladdin variety is distinguished by an early ripening period, large berries, medium-sized bunches, firm pulp, attractive berry color, light muscat aro-ma. The variety has a proven genetic high re-sistance to powdery mildew and mildew, high frost resistance is confirmed by the data of agrobiological records. According to the total-ity of economically valuable traits, resistance to unfavorable biotic and abiotic environmen-tal factors, the Aladdin variety can be recom-mended for transfer to the State variety test-ing of the Russian Federation.

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