
Russia has large coal reserves, on the average up to 173 billion tons. Although, the share of coal generation in Russia is relatively small (about 20–22 %), it reaches 65 % in the Siberian Federal District. Russia cannot deny coal, but it is necessary to update and improve energy efficiency of Thermal Power Plants (TPP) and boiler houses that burn coal. Currently, technologies have been developed to produce and use composite coal-water fuel (CWF) with various additives, primarily of organic origin to improve its target characteristics. A study of the characteristics of such coal-water suspensions has proved the promising outlook of their use as fuel in large and small Thermal Power Plants, both from an economic and environmental safety points of view. However, the lack of experimental data on the issues of combustion of composite coal-water fuel in bench-scale and semi-industrial conditions hinders the further development of CWF technology. Thus, it is relevant to study the features of combustion of composite coal-water fuels from coals of varying degrees of metamorphism. To prepare experimental batches of composite CWF, raw coals and coal slurries of various stages of metamorphism (grades D, SS, T) have been used. They were burned in a bench-scale semi-industrial plant. The research results have been processed using the methods of mathematical statistics and regression analysis. The influence of mechanical activation of CWF on the viscosity and temperature of its ignition and combustion has been established. The features of combustion of composite coal-water fuel using pneumomechanical injectors of two types are determined. The composition of harmful emissions during the combustion of CWF has been determined. The possibility to use composite coal-water fuel to ignite high-power boilers has been established. It has been proved that the combustion of CWF is environmentally safer compared to the combustion of coal and other types of fuel.

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