
Relevance of the political conflict topic on the background of religious component is related to religious revival that started in Russia in the first half of the 90-ties of the last century, which has been caused by deep social, political, economic, and cultural changes in our society. During those years, religiosity level of the country increased, this enriched the spiritual life but at the same time gave rise to multiple problems. They are expressed in the conflicts among different religionists aggravated by the actively pursued migration policy, development of the global Islam politicization tendency, intensive spread of the new extremist religious movements in the Russian confessional community. Religious disputes, frequently coming with manifestation of aggression, violence and intolerance, often aggravate the social and political tension in the modern society. In such an environment, exploration of the integrating and disintegrating effect of the religion is of high practical importance. Interaction of politics and religion, their priority in shaping public opinion, mutual penetration and confrontation expressed in various life aspects, including personal self-identification, extent of integration into society, civil position and world perception as a whole — all these problems become ever more topical in the context of ever-greater importance of the world religions influence on the present-day inter-ethnic, international, and inter-state relations. The necessity to explore the religious component of the political conflict is explained by the complexity and variety of this phenomenon, availability of multiple internal and external factors affecting intra-confessional and inter-confessional relations. To this end, it is extremely important to analyze consistently the reasons, manifestation forms and ways for prevention of conflicts with religious component, especially in geopolitical context. In view of the foregoing, the articles dwells upon the issues of interaction between politics and religion in the environment of globalization of the modern society with due consideration for the conflict potential in the political sphere related to religious factors.

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