
Ladeyki is the first famous Paleolithic site in the Enisiey valley (nowadays it is Kamenny Kvartal district in Kras- noyarsk) that was discovered by Savenkov I.T. in summer 1884, some days before the artifacts from Afontova Gora had been found. Later on, collection in blowouts on the outskirts of Ladeyki village were carried on by Elenev A. S., Ermolaev A. P., Merhart G., Sosnovski G. P. The analysis of archival and literary sources of the late XIX — early XX century allows us to trace in detail the history of the study of the site. The funds of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore contain a small collection of Paleolithic (?) items from Ladeyki site, which includes a pebble tool, fragments of a points on a large blade with retouched, fragments of small side-scrapers, large-sized chisel-like tools with their distinctive characteristic of so-called "dull lustre". It is known that the fauna fossils which are attributed to the Paleolithic included the bones of a reindeer, a mammoth and a bison. According to researches of the first part of XIX century (Merhart G., Gromov V. I., Sosnovskiy G. P.), the site, that was destroyed and partly redeposited in the blowouts, could be attributed ti the end of the Late Paleolithic as well as Pereselencheskiy Punkt. Cultural affiliation of Ladeyki is still discussed. Nowadays Ladeyki is better known as the site of the early Iron Age and the early Middle Ages (Ladeyskoe settlement, site Ladeyskaia-2). Exploration survey carried out in 2012 on the territory of the Kamenny Kvartal did not help to reveal traces of the Late Paleolithic site.

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