
In 2021, the question arose about the possible completion of the operation of the International Space Station (ISS), currently the largest outpost of mankind in near-earth orbit. Officially, the work on board the complex should last another three years. In Russia they started talking that this should be closure. Although many participants in this project have declared their interest in continuing the flight of the station, at least until 2028 However, it is not so important when the ISS will be de-orbited: in five or ten years. In any case, it has made its contribution to the history of space exploration and it is time to think about what will replace it. Various options are being considered, international and national. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Everyone has the right to life. It remains to be seen which of them will be able to go from idea to "embodiment in iron". The article tells about the history of the creation and development of orbital space stations, about the flight of the ISS and the Chinese National Space Station, about the plans to create a circumlunar station and the Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS), about modern views on the future of this direction of development of space technology.

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