
Rational thinking and language are faced with diffi culties, when it is necessary to express the setting of two opposite aspects of reality - change and constancy. The author is developing a plot-game methodology based on the ontological generalization of art history concepts of the plot, script and game to the level of philosophical categories. Categories correspond to natural science terms. On the basis of the selected universals – ‘through’ units of Being, with the involvement of geometric images-symbols of a circle, sphere and torus – a solution to the problem of organic synthesis of change with constancy is proposed using the ontological construction of a quasi-cyclic plot. The essence of this concept is that the condition for the existence of any forms and processes of reality are quasi-cyclic plots that set the sequence of almost cyclic changes. The quasi-cycle can be thought of as a reproduction of the plot spiral (that is, in the next generation) “from egg to egg” (ab ovo ad ovum). In a quasi-cycle, everything starts from some initial, ‘folded’ state of some form, then it develops (in accordance with the ‘unfolding’ of events around it) to a certain limit, ‘culmination’. The result is the generation of a new, similar to the original form. The constantly transforming initial formation itself at a certain time ‘dissolves’ in the plot stream of reality, being absorbed by other forms that are at one stage or another of their existence cycles – from appearance to disappearance. The ‘minimal’ basic proto-plot “ab ovo ad ovum” in the plot-game picture of the world is “blinking”, the pulsation of the Universe, and the ‘maximum’ is the cycle of manifestation and ‘convolution’ of the Universe. All other plots arise on the basis of the fi rst, being forming fragments of the second. The results of work, like the plot-game concept as a whole, can be applied both in natural-scientifi c and in humanitarian research, in their practical applications, in teaching any knowledge and skills. They are of particular importance for personal spiritual development.

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