
The article deals with the issues of digital transformation of the service sector. The author reveals the features of automation of technological and logistics processes, improvement of customer focus, development of online platforms and the introduction of artificial intelligence. Particular attention is paid to the issues of ensuring confidentiality and security of the service sector. The implementation of digital transformation requires a special attitude to the security of personal data, the introduction of appropriate systems and protective measures. Summarization of information allows businesses to collect, analyze and structure large amounts of data about customers, their preferences, behavior and needs. Digital technologies make it possible to personalize service and offers, optimize customer communication by providing convenient online communication channels, the ability to leave reviews and ratings. The author emphasizes the importance of training, motivation, staff development and changes in corporate culture for the successful implementation of the digital transformation of technologies. The directions of digitalization of the service sector in the practical activities of domestic enterprises are revealed. The digital transformation of the service sector in practice continues to expand with the development of technology and provides new opportunities for scaling and improving the efficiency of companies in the market. Examples of digitalization of processes reflect their diversity, opportunities to improve the quality of service, increase customer satisfaction and optimize operating costs in the enterprise.

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