
The article presents the systematized study results of the significant set of documents on the history and culture of the Kalmyk people of the 17th – 20th centuries, deposited in the funds of the State Archive of the Astrakhan Region (SAAR) due to the fact that the administrative regulation of socio-political processes in the Kalmyk Khanate in the 18th century and in the Kalmyk steppe in the XVIII – early 20th centuries was carried out by Astrakhan officials. The Astrakhan archival collections are historically a place of concentration of documents relating to the history and culture of the Kalmyk people, which have been insufficiently researched to date. Introduction to scientific circulation, research, clarification of attribution, publication of information on this source database will stimulate historical research and give a new incentive for the intensification of research activities. The research object is documentary material related to the history and culture of the Kalmyk people in the funds of the State Archive of the Astrakhan Region. As a result, a significant complex of archival documents was studied, files related to the history and culture of the Kalmyk people were identified. Besides in some instances additional attribution and clarification of the chronological framework and scope of documents were carried out. The work was done to form a systematized, comprehensive database on the history of the Kalmyk people in the 17th – 20th centuries on the SAAR material. The identified files formed the basis for the forthcoming collection of documents on the SAAR funds

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