
The objective of the research was to study the forest conditions and forest inventory characteristics of P. pallasiana in the eastern part of the southern slope of the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, the evaluation of its growth in connection with high-rise zoning and dynamics of soil properties. The studies were carried out using the methods of laying hypsometric profiles. Soil characteristics were studied in soil sections in five layers with an interval of 10 cm. The ecotopic grid of the Mountainous Crimea was used for the typological classification of phytocenoses. The features of the territorial distribution of artificial coniferous stands in the study area were analyzed using the data of space sensing of Landsat 8 satellite system. As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that the forest crops of P. pallasiana in the eastern part of the southern macroslope of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains in the lower belt are characterized by low taxation indicators. With an increase in the height of the growing area, their state and growth intensity improve. Dynamics of forests conditions in the study area is associated with increasing dryness of the climate, a decrease in precipitation, the number of which decreases in the direction from the central to the eastern part of the southern slopes of the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains. The high-altitude zoning of soil fertility is revealed. In the ecotopes of the middle belt, there is a decrease in the content of humus in the upper layer of the soil, which is associated with increased erosion processes in the territory of anthropogenic degradation of forest vegetation. High seasonal variability and instability of precipitation over the years, especially in the summer growing season, the weather conditions of which largely determine the implementation of growth and development processes, reduce the stability of the structure and composition of plant communities, form a negative ecological background, which determines the deterioration of the life state of P. pallasiana forest cultures. In the research area edaphic characteristics of forest crop ecotopes of P. pallasiana in the lower and middle belt correspond to forest-growing conditions such as dry sudubrava, and in the upper belt – fresh sudubrava.

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