
Based on statistical, analytical and expert information, monitoring of the socio-economic situation and analysis of social indicators (income, wages, pensions, unemployment, migration, housing) characterizing the standard of living and well-being of the population of the Russian Far East in the period from Q1 2019 to Q2 2023 are presented. Using statistical indicators of Rosstat, a comparative assessment of the welfare index generated for 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation was carried out, with a focus on the Far Eastern Federal District. It is shown that during the period of active shock impacts, the Far Eastern territories, thanks to state support of labor markets both during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2021) and during the period of the influence of international sanctions (2022 – the first half of 2023), largely retained their positions in terms of well-being, despite the fall in real incomes of the population. A slight reduction in the gap between the Far Eastern regions in terms of the welfare index still does not lead to a smoothing out of inequality in the social space of the macroregion

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