
The publication introduces into scientific circulation the historical document compiled by Dmitry Ivanovich Kazantsev, an amateur selectionist who pioneered the fruit gardening in the Middle Urals. His name is memorized in the history of Ekaterinburg with a memorial object — the D. I. Kazantsev’s Fruit Garden which has existed for more than a century. The published report “My Work, Observations and Achievements for the Year 1936” is written with the author’s characteristic pedantry and gives an idea of the popular trends and practical methods of gardening in the early 1930s Sverdlovsk. The document allows judging on the author’s social circle and business connections. Together with other selectionists, D. I. Kazantsev took part in overcoming such a problem as scarcity of fruit varieties in the Urals. Samples from his garden were involved in the broad-scale works on hybridization started by the Sverdlovsk Zonal Fruit and Berry Experimental Station named after. I. V. Michurin since 1935. D.I. Kazantsev’s detailed report was compiled in connection with the organization of these studies, and therefore in many ways resembles a scientific text. It describes the history of raising the original apple-tree variety — Kordik, contains a lot of details about the phenology, productivity, stability and other characteristic features of old-time varieties and hybrids of apple-trees which are still of interest and allow comparing with current varieties. The published document may be of interest to specialists studying the period of collectivization and industrialization of Soviet society, the history of horticulture and fruit growing in the Urals, as well as to modern selectionists and gardening experimentalists.

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