
《诗经•生民》和《圣经新约》都有“感生”现象。在姜嫄“履帝武敏”生后稷和马利亚“圣灵感应”生耶稣的“感生”故事中,存在着相似的“圣母”原型和“圣人”受难情结。但在相似性背后则蕴含着更深层次的异质性,其中相同的“羊”意象和“知母不知其父”现象背后则蕴含着中西方不同的社会背景、风俗制度、文化信仰等差异。本文以比较文学的类型学为理论基础,通过对两个文本由表及里的比较研究,更加深入地认识和把握总体文学和人类文化的共同规律,从而更加全面地认识自己的文化。 There is a similar “induced” phenomenon in Shengmin of Shijing (The Book of Odes) and New Testament. In the two stories that Jiang Yuan conceived HouJi and Mary gave birth to Jesus, we can find the similar prototype of the goddess and the similar suffering complex of saints. Yet the deeper heterogeneity can be found behind them. For example, the same image of sheep and the same “induced” phenomenon of the unknown father reflect essential differences of social backgrounds, customs and cultural beliefs of China and Western countries. So based on the Typology of Comparative Literature, this paper is aimed to have an in-depth grasp of the overall literature and the common law of human culture by comparing Shengmin of Shijing and New Testament. In this way, we can build a more comprehensive understanding of our own culture.

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