
The impact of tariff policy of monopoly enterprises to finance corporations and public finances were investigated. Found that the shortcomings of the state regulation of tariff formation, determination of optimal values ​​may lead, on the one hand, to establish excessive tariff and the formation of the financial burden for the enterprises of the real sector and households, on the other hand, for approval understated tariffs and create losses for the company monopoly. Errors in assessing the best possible rates and competitive conditions in the market for one or more of these options pose fiscal risks for the state. The problems of state regulation of tariff policy monopoly enterprises. Statutory limitation component tariff regulation method selection forming rate, method of cost accounting, planning, production costs and cost of goods and services as well as monitoring compliance with these tariffs, targeted use of investment resources, net income included in the rate - are missing or are advisory, optional character. For example, "Ukrains'ka zaliznytsia" analyzes the factors that affect the amount of tariffs for cargo and passenger transportation. The growth rates of the incumbent creates negative makroefekty by raising prices and tariffs of other entities or increased expenditure for losses. The increase in freight tariffs by 30% leading to increased cost of domestic production in the current year (excluding the effect of time lag - higher prices other companies) to: 104.7% in enterprises engaged in mining of metal ores and other minerals and career development 'yeriv; 103.5% in companies with coke and coke; 103.4% in enterprises producing motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers; 102.3% - for the production of electrical equipment; 101.2% in agriculture. Total exports of goods and services may decline as production costs increase by 104%. The problems cost planning and cost, as well as suggestions for its improvement. A toolkit of state regulation of monopoly pricing policy.

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