
Purpose. The purpose of the scientific paper is to determine the possibilities of using economic competition technologies in the oil, coal and natural gas world markets as a combination of informational, legal, political and economic mechanisms which are aimed to achieve financial, economic, political and security goals. Methodology of the  research. The used methods of the research are generalization of informational and literature sources for studying the peculiarities of economic rivalry in the world markets of raw material fuel and energy resources. Results.  Having analyzed, we can claim that world geo-economics and geopolitics (and, hence, global security), and the markets for main fuel and energy resources, are closely interconnected. It has been proved that accelerating the growth of the world economy and increasing the stability and predictability of world politics provoke the increase of natural gas, coal and oil prices in the world market. The reduction of growth and political instability on the international arena leads to lower prices for raw fuel materials. Otherwise, the positive political and economic dynamics and the growth of fuel raw materials mining in the exporting countries and transit countries of these fuel resources lead to natural gas and oil prices decrease, and political or economic instability in these countries provokes an increase for natural gas, coal and oil prices in the world market.  Scientific novelty of research results. The author has worked out the peculiarities of economic rivalry in the world markets of raw fuel resources.  Practical significance. The article deals with the mechanisms of economic rivalry in the oil, coal and natural gas world markets. The influence of economic rivalry on the  raw fuel resources markets on the Ukrainian economy is described. Conclusions on the impact of economic rivalry on the world markets of raw fuel resources on the global economy are made on the basis of the analysis.

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