
The article is devoted to the problem of waterlogging of borehole products during the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials, which arises for various reasons. This may be due to the geological structure of the field, non-compliance with the operating modes of wells, poor-quality cementing of backwater spaces, etc. Waterlogging leads to undesirable consequences: reduction of oil and gas production and occurrence of emergency situations. The problems of waterlogging of borehole products are solved using various methods: the use of chemical reagents to reduce the viscosity of water, the use of technical solutions for separating oil and water, repair and insulation works, etc. The Demyansk oil field is considered: its geological features, geological exploration, the main indicators of well operation. The analysis of the dynamics of well flooding and a comparison of the design and actual indicators of the development of the Demyanovskoye field as of 01.01.2017 are presented. The actual dynamics of well flooding is also presented, the reasons for the rapid flooding of the production of wells of the Demyanovsky place of birth are considered. As a result of the analysis of the actual data obtained during the operation of the field, it was established that the main reason for the rapid flooding of the reservoir production of the field is the transfer of wells to a mechanized method of operation, which, in turn, leads to an increase in depression on the formation. It is concluded that the forecast indicators of well flooding calculated on the hydrodynamic model differ significantly from the real ones, and attention is also drawn to the need to select the optimal depression when transferring wells to a mechanized production method to prevent rapid product flooding.

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