
The article identifies the role of small business in the development of national economies that is due to the ease of perception of innovations, the creation of a significant number of jobs, contentment of social needs in goods and services. It was established that due to a number of problems faced by domestic small business, there is a need to form new approaches to the development of this area. On the basis of the Global rating of favorable business conditions was assessed the business environment of the world. There were taken into account such indicators as business registration, obtaining building permits, connection to the power supply system, property registration, obtaining loans, protection of minority investors, taxation, and International trade, ensuring the implementation of contract and insolvency settlement. It is determined that the top three in this indicator (by 2020) included New Zealand, Singapore and Hong Kong. Emphasis was placed on the significant difference (more than four times) in the ease of doing business index between the leader – New Zealand (86.59) and the outsider – Somalia (20.0), that indicates unevenness development of this area in the countries of the world. Based on a study of foreign experience in the development of small business in developed countries were identified practices that were interesting for further adaptation in Ukraine. Namely: formation of an effective legal framework; implementation of an effective regulatory policy and the use of a program-targeted approach to state regulation; state support of small business through the implementation of investment programs, projects, assistance in obtaining government orders, the formation of effective credit and tax policies, aimed at solving problems of financial and credit support of small business; stimulating innovation and development of small innovative enterprises and relevant infrastructure facilities (technology parks, science parks, venture funds), improving the system of training and retraining of specialists for small business; development of information technologies and e-business; active promotion of small enterprises, creation of necessary support institutions; cooperation of large and small business entities.

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