
Creative artistic activity is one of the most efficient means of an in-depth development of personality, however at the present time one may observe a deficit of creative manifestation of human beings. The current situation may be corrected by means of incorporation of relevant and effective methods of creative development. One of the most important of their types is the educational milieu. It is particularly in the conditions of an educational institution that the development of the majority of people – the recipients of art – take place. The issue of a creative attitude towards reality has been one of those discussed at one of the leading European forums. One of the sought-after conceptions, in particular, is that of student-centered education, directed towards an active development of the feeling of selfsufficiency and a reflexive method of the process of learning. Also appropriate for solving the declared problem is the concept of implicating the students through the principle of co-creation, where the accent is placed not on its formal realization, but on a genuine involvement in the co-creative educational process. The given criteria correspond to the positions of a personally-oriented approach, in which most important are the active-creative method and the principle of congruity with nature. Their actualization plays a decisive role in the process of harmonic development of personality. The author of the article directs her attention towards the creative system of Boleslav Yavorsky, who made a substantial contribution towards the development of musical culture and education in Russia. The actualization of the educational principles of Yavorsky in new sociocultural conditions presents the possibility of passing to the next stage of the creative development of personality. Keywords: creative energies, musical activity, development in congruity with nature, self-development, studentcentered education, personality-oriented approach.

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