
The purpose of the article is to analyze the factors that determine the need for transformation of agriculture, and the technical and technological opportunities that Agriculture 4.0 opens up to the subjects of agricultural entrepreneurship in terms of increasing production efficiency, ensuring fair distribution of added value along the commodity chain, and optimizing supplies. It is stressed that the transition to Agriculture 4.0 is associated with the problem of financial and physical access of agricultural producers to high-tech equipment, digital economy tools, and knowledge. The need to move from an extractive model of the innovation system to an inclusive one.is revealed. The principle of inclusion can be extrapolated to an economic agent of any level is clarified. The authors draw attention to the fact that the system of state support for agricultural producers in Russia does not meet the needs of accelerated technical and technological development of domestic agriculture. The role of large Russian agricultural structures of the holding type in the development of innovation and innovation transfer is presented. Some alternative schemes of innovation transfer that meet the signs of inclusion and increase the availability of innovative developments for financially vulnerable business entities are described. As a result, the authors develop a matrix of promising sources of investment financing for the enlarged stages of innovative product as well as some recommendations to improve state participation in the development of innovative infrastructure.

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