
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to propose Integrated Social Studies Education using issuesrelated to the place memory found in modern historical landscapes. Methods: Conducted literature research, field surveys, and analyzed the national curriculum alongwith the contents of education. Results: Currently, different methods have seen proposed and many regions have seen a positive andmodern transformation of negative place memories related t``o colonial rule based on the formationof regional identity. In this study, issues about modern historical landscapes in which colonial andmodern memories compete were applied to the Integrated Social Studies Education. This researchstudy proposed a teaching plan to utilize the concept of landscapes of new cultural geography andexamples of conflicts about place memories as parts of cultural education Integrated Social Studies. Conclusion: This subject involved integrated thinking. The research finding are thus suitable for dealingwith disputes over modern historical landscapes in a unified society. This study has educationalsignificance in that it focused on the reproduction of memories in history by geographical landscapes,and specifically suggesting a new understanding of the problems of the existing modern historicallandscapes, Nevertheless, this study has limitations with respect to the anti-Japanese struggle andethnocentric descriptions.

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