
Based on the analysis of literary sources and publications, the features of soybean varieties for cultivation in Podillia were studied. The key directions of increasing the productivity of soybean varieties are considered. Advantages are given and substantiated, and the main disadvantages and problems of growing soybean varieties in Podillia conditions are indicated The features of soybean varieties, the influence of the inoculation process and the efficiency of micronutrient fertilization have been investigated, which made it possible to develop methods of growing technology taking into account plant biology on changes in climatic conditions. The growth processes and development of soybean varieties have been investigated: Maxus, Cordoba, Saska, depending on the treatment of seeds with an insecticidal-fungicidal preparation Standak Top, inoculant Hai Kot Super Hai Kot Super Extender and seed treatment with micronutrient fertilizer Como 15, as well as foliar dressing with micronutrient fertilizers Vuksal Boron and Bospholiar during the growing season of plants. Having carried out research on various groups of ripeness from such varieties of soybeans as Maxus, Cordoba, Saska, positive results were obtained on the yield from the introduction of micronutrient fertilizers, inoculants, treatment of the inoculum of soybean seeds with an inoculant and a microelement, the preparation Vuxal Como 15. And also from the treatment of seeds with the preparation Standak Top 1 l t, which in turn prevents the development of such diseases as fusarium, anthracnose, seed mold, promotes rooting of plants in the soil due to the accelerated development of the root system, an increase in the assimilation surface of the leaf apparatus, promotes the activation of nitroreductase, which in turn activates the work processes of photosynthesis, manifested in the so-called AgCelence effect, plants have an intensely saturated dark green color, control of soil pests. Carrying out experiments on the effect of seed inoculation on soybean yield, we combined an inoculant, VuksalKoMo preparation and Sdandak Top insecticidal fungicide preparation with a sowing period of up to 5-7 days in a tank mixture. One of the main requirements is the use of high-quality inoculants with a high content of viable nitrogen-fixing bacteria for processing soybean seeds, today there is a need, since it fully reveals and realizes the genetic and varietal potential of modern varieties, and this, in turn, will ensure high yields soybeans with optimal costs and the fastest return on investment, especially in today's conditions. In the study results, new technological aspects are presented, in which the processes of analysis and hardening of micro-manure and infectious-fungicidal preparation in the technological development and quality improvement of the production process are revealed. It should also take into account the relative humidity and reserves of productive soil moisture. The research results are aimed at solving urgent problems in the technology of growing leguminous crops, namely: developing a version of the technology for growing soybeans for the selection of varieties adapted to a given climatic zone, the use of inoculants and micronutrients in the conditions of climate change in Podillia.

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