
This article examines the features of the motivational mechanism for regulating the personnel management system. Modern conditions affecting the choice of tools for stimulating and encouraging employees to high work results are analyzed. The interpretation of the concept of motivation and the motivational mechanism of regulation of the personnel management system are defined. The characteristics of the main types of employee motivation are considered in detail. Formed tasks, which are solved thanks to the effective use of the motivational mechanism of regulation of the personnel management system. Aspects that affect the combination of different types and types of motivational mechanisms are provided. The requirements for increasing the efficiency of the use of personnel potential during the formation of the motivational mechanism for the regulation of the personnel management system are defined. The functions of the motivation mechanism for regulating the personnel management system of the enterprise have been established. At the current stage of the functioning of the country's economy, there is an active revival of attention to the issues of personnel management and its motivation, new ways of influencing the interest of employees in high work results are being sought and developed, but, unfortunately, such factors as the decline in production in connection with military actions on the territory of Ukraine, a large outflow of labor force outside the country, difficult conditions of economic activity require the formation of new views on the mechanism of effective labor motivation, which would take into account modern realities. Skillfully selected and formed personnel of the enterprise today is the key to the successful implementation of competitive activities of any enterprise. The high results of the company depend on the professionalism, perseverance and responsibility of the employees. In turn, the motivation of employees is the main factor of these results. Therefore, it becomes necessary to create a high-quality motivational mechanism for regulating the personnel management system, which will ensure the creation of favorable working conditions. Modern realities of the competitive environment force business entities to expand their opportunities to reach and maintain a market position thanks to the use of new types of behavior, focus on digitization and ensuring sustainable development.

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