
In order for the Constitution to function as a basic law, the political, socioeconomic, and cultural homogeneity of members of the national living community must be premised. In this respect, national homogeneity or the process of forming it is a prerequisite for the constitution to function as a basic law, and on this basis, the constitution has the task of realizing social integration according to various value standards. Social integration refers to the realization of a state in which all citizens can be incorporated into society and function as members of political and socioeconomic communities by protecting and supporting the situation as a necessary condition for realizing freedom, and the risk of life that hinders the realization of freedom. Our Constitution has already included this social integration as a constitutional task, and the Social Security Act regulates it in multiple and multi-layered ways to realize the tasks of this Constitution. In order to realize social integration based on the Social Security Act, primarily, all income-active populations must be protected by social insurance. Our social insurance has been aiming for a low level of equal welfare, and this trend has contributed to the universalization of social insurance. On this basis, various systems should participate to form a complementary and cooperative relationship. Social insurance abstractly protects social risks due to its characteristics. Determining priorities in specific protection for individual situations creates blind spots for protection. And these blind spots should be supplemented through other abstract or specific protection and support. The Social Security Act is a key means of developing one's own abilities to form a life based on self-responsibility and being incorporated into society to realize social integration, but at the same time, it has the task of evolving through continuous innovation by reflecting changes in circumstances.

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