
The article presents the results of studying the global and Russian advertising market dynamics, in particular, the outdoor advertising market in a pandemic. The crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all advertising markets. The most stable markets were considered in the USA and China. The media segments of the advertising market in Russia in the period of 2010 - 2020 have been analyzed; advertising on the Internet is recognized as a leading segment, in second and third places are television advertising and UN advertising, respectively. Global ad spend across all media is 4.2% lower in 2020. Outdoor, TV, radio and print advertising revenues amounted to $ 233 billion. The outdoor advertising market was among the first to be negatively affected by the pandemic: the decrease in car and pedestrian traffic led to changes in marketing budgets, a less number of advertisers and high cost of outdoor advertising. Starting from the second half of 2020, the market began to recover, which in the near future will entail an increase in brand spending on outdoor advertising. The relevance of programmatic sales in modern conditions has been proved. The costs of programmatic purchases of digital inventory in outdoor advertising in the USA are illustrated, the slow introduction of programmatic purchases in the UN-company of Russia is noted. The results of a neuromarketing study conducted in 2020 among residents of Belgorod, confirming the problem of low visibility of outdoor advertising, are presented. The main directions of further development of the outdoor advertising market are outlined: short-term planning, reduction of terms and volumes of advertising placement; digitalization of inventory; consolidation of outdoor advertising operators; development of programmatic sales in the regions, etc.


  • The crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all advertising markets

  • The media segments of the advertising market in Russia in the period of 2010 - 2020 have been analyzed; advertising on the Internet is recognized as a leading segment, in second and third places are television advertising and UN advertising, respectively

  • The outdoor advertising market was among the first to be negatively affected by the pandemic: the decrease in car and pedestrian traffic led to changes in marketing budgets, a less number of advertisers and high cost of outdoor advertising

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Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, Белгород, Российская Федерация. Представлены результаты исследования динамики мирового и российского рынка рекламы, в частности рынка наружной рекламы в условиях пандемии. Спровоцированный пандемией COVID-19, отразился практически на всех рекламных рынках. Рынок наружной рекламы в числе первых испытал негативное влияние пандемии: снижение автомобильного и пешеходного трафика привело к изменению маркетинговых бюджетов, сокращению количества рекламодателей и расходов на наружную рекламу. Проиллюстрированы затраты на программатик-закупки цифрового инвентаря в наружной рекламе в США, отмечено медленное внедрение программатик-закупок в ООН-компании России. Обозначены основные направления дальнейшего развития рынка наружной рекламы: краткосрочное планирование, сокращение сроков и объемов размещения рекламы; диджитализация инвентаря; консолидация операторов наружной рекламы; развитие программатик-продаж в регионах и т. Е. Рынок наружной рекламы в условиях пандемии // Вестник Астраханского государственного технического университета. COVID-19, на динамику и структуру мирового и российского рекламного рынка, в частности рынка наружной рекламы, а также выявить основные тенденции дальнейшего развития

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