
We studied the meaning of the screen as an intermediary between the author of a visual essay and his audience in the modern online space. The origins and features of the genre, which originated from the printed essay, are analyzed. We consider the types of videos, as well as the verbal and non-verbal methods used in them to convey information to the viewer. It has been established that the widespread use of the global network and multimedia technologies opens up opportunities for content creators to increase the user base and increase its involvement. New ways of designing broadcast information messages are emerging. The advent of electronic devices is facilitating the discovery of new ways of presenting information and interacting with audiences that were not previously possible in the traditional printed genres of film criticism. Modern software and technologies allow a wide range of authors to use editing as an effective method for explaining the thesis chosen for their work. Visual images have acquired a dominant role in presenting material. Social networks and comment sections on popular video hosting sites allow you to receive feedback from viewers, and also create a previously impossible connection between a film critic and his audience. The results of the study can be used by scientists in the field of mass communication, journalism and film criticism.

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