
The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of supreme power, which, according to the author, is undeservedly neglec ted by the modern Political Science. Despite the high importance of this concept, its definition is lacking in dictionaries, as well as most textbooks and reviews. Legal Science and State Studies have known this concept at least since the 16th century. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, due to the works of such scientists as Boris Chicherin, Alexander Alekseev, Nikolay Korkunov, Georg Jellinek, Lev Tikhomirov, Petr Kazansky the academic consensus was formed that supreme power can be defined as legally unlimited, complete and unconditional power in the state. At the beginning of the 21st century, the interest in this category has revived, which resulted, in particular, in the previous concepts becoming relevant again. After having critically analyzed the existing ideas of the Russian researchers on this topic, the author comes to the conclusion that elaboration of the relevant theory of the supreme power that lives up to the modern level of knowledge, requires interdisciplinary approach and combined effort from lawyers, political scientists, historians, and sociologists. Having convincingly demonstrated that today this task is still far from being complete, he focuses on a number of key problems for the development of such a theory and outlines possible directions for finding their solution. According to his conclusion, the category “supreme power” has a significant heuristic potential, and its “return” to political, as well as constitutional and legal, science would enrich their methodological tools. In particular, its application to the analysis of political systems makes it possible to discern behind the facade of the constitutional separation of powers not only who governs (i.e., exercises this or that authority granted by the constitution), but also who rules i.e., has the right to make final decisions on key issues of political life.


  • 16) “Razdelenie vlastej po Osnovnym Zakonam Rossijskoj Imperii v redaktsii 23 aprelja 1906 g.” [Separation of Powers According to the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire as Amended on April 23, 1906] // Tavricheskie chtenija 2015

  • The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of supreme power, which, according to the author, is undeservedly neglected by the modern Political Science

  • In the 19th and early 20th centuries, due to the works of such scientists as Boris Chicherin, Alexander Alekseev, Nikolay Korkunov, Georg Jellinek, Lev Tikhomirov, Petr Kazansky the academic consensus was formed that supreme power can be defined as legally unlimited, complete and unconditional power in the state

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Алексеев 1998

Верховная власть — основополагающий элемент государства, без которого оно просто немыслимо. Ученые старой школы тоже полагали, что отсутствие в государстве верховной власти означает либо прекращение существования государства per se, либо его зависимость от внешней силы: «Если такого верховного носителя нет, если последние решения за государство выносит кто-то другой, то это уже не государство, а провинция, область или что-то иное, входящее в сферу каких-то суверенных властных отношений»2. В авторитетном учебнике по теории государства и права под редакцией Сергея Алексеева4 «верховная власть» упоминается 11 раз, причем в одном случае она отождествляется с законодательной властью, в другом говорится о «верховной власти народа», в третьем перечисляются «органы верховной власти — парламент и президент», а в большинстве остальных это словосочетание входит в определение формы правления. Несколько чаще словосочетание «верховная власть» встречается в работах по конституционному праву, но тоже, как правило, без четкого

11 Еллинек 2004
14 Васечко 2020
20 Тихомиров 2008
25 Грачев 2009
30 Хорошильцев 2017
31 Руссо 1998
32 Овсепян 2017
33 Овсепян 2017
38 Чичерин 1894
43 Тихомиров 1992
51 Там же
54 Грачев 2009
56 Там же
57 Грачев 2019
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