
This article describes the foundation of the Ichan-Kala State Museum Reserve in Khiva in 1920 and the activities of the museum, its staff, exhibitions and events over the past 100 years. The Khiva museum- was opened on April 27, 1920 in Arzkhana (reception hall) of Kunya-Ark in the presence of the participants of the 1st Kurultay (Congress) of national representatives. It was called the People’s Museum. The number of visitors increased day by day. In addition to the exposition itself, introductory lectures were held there and thematic exhibitions were organized on certain dates. Until 1924, the descendants of Allakuli Khan lived in the huge Tash-Khauli palace built in 1831–1839 in the inner fortress of Khiva. Considering it their own possession, they began to sell the property of the palace. The government members, having learnt about this, moved the Khiva museum from Kunya-Ark to Tash-Khauli and included it in the list of state property.13 In August of the same year, the Khiva Museum was supplied with the necessary exhibition equipment delivered from Moscow. 285 unique pieces were exhibited in the imported showcases.

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