
Abstract This study investigates if the relationships between hemline and macro-economic factors (rGDP, recess-ion, and unemployment) are still applicable as well as analyzes time lags that reflect economic factors onthe hemline index using U.S. data. The hemline theory and fashion cyclical theory were applied to proposethe relationships studied. The data for the hemline measurements of women's day-wear were obtained fromUS Vogue spring and fall editions from 1950 to 2014. Data were standardized by dividing the length fromshoulder to hemline by the length from the shoulder to ankle. I aggregated 2260 samples and hemline datato create a yearly average. This study used OLS of Stata 13 program to explore the relationship betweenmacro-economic factors and hemline. The main findings were the recession and unemployment influencedhemline length for four years in a positive direction. Furthermore, the effects of previous recession and un-employment on the current hemline were very close to the significant level respectively. This finding sup-ports the hemline theory in that a recessionary economy is related to longer hemlines and hemlines becomeshorter in flourishing economic periods.Key words: Hemline, rGDP, Unemployment, Recession; 헴라인, 실질국민총생산, 실업률, 경기침체기

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