
The article is aimed at researching the socio-psychological features of interaction between participants in the labor process, which are factors of conflicts in the social and labor sphere. The article considers conflict as one of the variants for the development of social relations, which arises in case of violation of their balance. It is proved that conflicts arise under the influence of a complex system of factors that have a social and psychological nature. The scholars’ views on the essence of social and psychological factors of conflict are considered. It is proved that the factors, directly related to joint activities and relationships, affecting the proneness to conflict in the staff of an organization, are: organizational culture, socio-psychological climate, leadership (which characterize the social component of interaction); socio-psychological personality traits, orientation and personality type (which characterize the psychological component of interaction). The essence of each factor is considered and its impact on the occurrence and development of conflict is determined. The consequences of both positive and negative impact of socio-psychological factors on the conflict are specified. The publication uses methods of generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis – to understand the essence of conflict as a certain stage of social interaction, to study the socio-psychological factors of the conflict; graphical method – for clarification of data and schematic representation of the main provisions of the research. The carried out studies will contribute to the development of an efficient strategy and tactics for resolving conflicts, their faster settlement, and the use of effective mechanisms for their forecasting; a system approach to conflict management in order to prevent unconstructive conflict interactions in labor collectives will allow to take into account socio-psychological aspects of interaction between participants in the labor process.

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