
Policy of sustainable growth that aims to foster wellbeing of the population and to develop competitiveness of the Russian economy should strive to achieving quality and quantity standards. The labor productivity index takes the strategic point in the system of analytical indicators of assessing the efficiency of economic activity of all economic entities, regardless of the level of hierarchy (enterprise, region, country). The analysis of conditions determining the influence of various factors on productivity growth in the Russian economy, both around the country and in the regions-subjects of the Russian Federation has been given. The main reasons for the decline of the labor productivity index have been identified as following: deindustrialization having a pronounced regional character; low level of organization of production, sales and innovation management; insufficient level of investment attractiveness of Russian companies along with the restricted access to external sources of financing; high cost of capital in the domestic financial market, limiting the potential for technological modernization and innovative growth. The dominating factors of productivity growth in conditions of innovative economy have been allocated: structural, technical and technological, organizational, managerial factors and the factor of developing innovative culture, which create cumulative effect of implementing the project approach to adoption of innovative decisions and innovations. The imperative of increased productivity growth has revealed the need to increase the welfare of the population as the main goal of economic development, which determines the development of a specific mechanism for its achievement as a priority direction of state economic policy. Investment and innovative components of the state policy generally determine labor productivity growth, transition to a new technological structure of the Russian economy and bridging gaps between Russia and developed countries.

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