
Привлекательность северного региона: взгляд передовой молодежи.


  • The urgency of the problem of attractiveness, northern regions, for the life of Russians, on the one hand, is determined by the strategic importance of these regions, since the border of the Russian Federation in the north passes through the waters of six seas and it belongs to a number of islands and archipelagos in the Arctic Ocean

  • These islands are rich in natural resources that are to be explored and mastered by the young generations of our country. n the other hand, in the northern regions there was a problem in providing qualified personnel, researchers attribute this to a significant outflow of the population that occurred in the 90s, as well as to harsh climatic conditions, remoteness from the country's economic and cultural centers, and high unemployment rates. costly life, housing problem, etc

  • In order to study the attitude of young people to life in the northern region, a survey of the best university graduates who entered the magistracy in different directions was conducted

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The urgency of the problem of attractiveness, northern regions, for the life of Russians, on the one hand, is determined by the strategic importance of these regions, since the border of the Russian Federation in the north passes through the waters of six seas (the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi and Bering) and it belongs to a number of islands and archipelagos in the Arctic Ocean. Вместе с тем в совокупности респондентов, которые выбрали ответы «скорее да» или «скорее нет», было большинство, как среди юношей, так и среди девушек, независимо от того, проживают они на Севере или приехали из других регионов, поэтому мы рассмотрели неблагоприятные и благоприятные факторы для жизнедеятельности в условиях северного города на примере ХантыМансийска. Анализ проведенного опроса магистрантов показал, что большинство опрошенных респондентов хотели бы остаться жить и работать в северном регионе (на примере города Ханты-Мансийска). 1. Абрамова С.Б., Антонова Н.Л., Пименова О.И.

Арктические исследования: от экстенсивного освоения к комплексному развитию
10. Climate change and impacts on human health in the Arctic
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