
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of maritime safety culture on marine safety activities of seaman. The analysis data was collected through 200 students from the Advanced Safety Training Refresh Course for international ship who receive safety education of the Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology selected as subjects of this study. The main results of this study was as follows. First, there was no significant difference between the control variables in the seaman characteristics of subjects, training characteristics. The average score of maritime safety activities was 3.99 score which showed a positive result of maritime safety activities. Second, maritime safety and activities was strengthened when the leadership of maritime safety culture, maritime safety policies and procedures was well established. And maritime safety knowledge and attitude was high when maritime safety improvement system was well developed. Third, maritime safety activities enhanced with the leadership and maritime safety knowledge and attitude. To sum up, safety activities was not affected by personal characteristics (factors). It considered that education and training should further enhance leadership and maritime safety knowledge and attitude which give a high impact on maritime safety activities. This study suggests the necessity of strengthening the maritime safety improvement system, maritime safety priority, and non-punitive environment so that maritime safety activities can be upgraded without any bias due to some factors. In conclusion, systematic and ongoing research on Korea maritime safety activities and political considerations required.

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