
협회선박보험약관, 1/10/83은 선박의 항행구역을 제한하는 협회항로제한담보약관, 1/7/76을 첨부하여 오랜 기간 동안 광범위하게 사용되어 왔다. 선박 건조기술과 항해기술의 발달에 따라 협회선박보험약관은 수차례에 걸쳐 약관 내용을 수정 보완하면서 오늘날까지 사용되고 있는 점을 고려해 볼 때, 협회항로제한담보약관도 마땅히 수정 보완되었어야 했다. 더욱이, 선박보험의 피보험자는 이와 같은 해상사업의 환경변화에도 불구하고 항로제한담보구역을 부득이 항행 또는 기항해야 할 경우 과도한 추가보험료를 부담하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 이 연구의 목적은 협회항로제한담보약관과 준용일본항로제한담보약관을 비교분석함과 동시에 기후변화, 선박구조, 항해, 통신 등의 제반 요건에 대한 현황을 고려하여, 협회항로제한담보약관을 면밀히 분석함은 물론 항로제한담보약관의 위반에 따른 추가보험료의 합리적인 수준을 제시함에 있다. The Institute Time Clauses-Hulls 1/10/83 has been using widely with attachment and/or endorsement of the Institute Warranties 1/7/76 stipulating vessel's trading limits. Taking into consideration of several changes and renewals on the contents of the Institute Time Clauses-Hulls for clarifying the clauses themselves with development on technology of vessel's construction and navigational equipments up to the present, the clauses on the Institute Warranties 1/7/76 should have been changed and/or renewed. Moreover, the insured still has been burdening additional premium in vessel's navigating and / or calling to the areas stipulated in the Institute Warranties 1/7/76 regardless of any changes of marine business environments. Thus, this study aims to analyze the Institute Warranties 1/7/76 as well as to suggest a reasonable level of additional premium for breach of Institute warranties through not only a comparative analysis between the Institute Warranties clauses and those of the corresponding Institute Warranties using in the Japanese Fire and Marine Insurance companies but also consideration of current circumstances on changes in climatic conditions, vessel design, navigation and communication requirements and capabilities.

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