
The article attempts to analyze the category of "political activity", to identify the main features of this phenomenon and to note the peculiarities of the political activity of the population during the war. It is noted that political activism is one of the forms of social activism, which has a purposeful nature and allows individual citizens or their groups to realize their own conscious position in life, political interests and aspirations. The level of political activity depends on the political regime and the political culture formed in society. Under totalitarian and authoritarian political regimes, it is more expedient to talk about political quasi-activity and ritualism as a result of pressure from thesystem, society, and government. The total mobilization of the population determines the coercive nature of political activity, based on the suppression or distortion of free political preferences, the pressure of external circumstances, administrative and party control. Mobilization quasi-activity creates the illusion of people's power. A real high level of political activity is shown by people who have a formed participative type of political culture, a clear orientation to the political system as a whole, and are active members of parties, public organizations, associations and unions. The article provides indicators of a high level of political activity, which are interest in politics, trust in state institutions, assessment of the possibility of one's own participation in politics, influence on it. It is noted that in societies with a high level of political activity of the population, the elite, the middle class and the general public are involved in political life. Thus, theoretical studies of political activity indicate that it can have different degrees of intensity and be determined by objective and subjective factors. It was concluded that in modern realities, the political activity of the population of Ukraine is determined and supported mainly by patriotic and humanitarian needs. The population of Ukraine demonstrates the ability for self-organization and social mobilization, and not only at the level of civil society organizations, but also through examples of individual activity. Examples of political activity of citizens are volunteering, the level of interest in political events. Political activity quite often acquires a network form, "taking place" on the Internet, blogs, social networks, on forums, public associations are created based on the principles of network structures, and their interaction takes place in solving specific tasks of providing targeted assistance directly to military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and those who need such help.

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