
The article is devoted to the justification of the process of strategic positioning of tourism positioning firms. The economic and social crisis of recent years has seriously affected the development of the tourism industry, causing the need for qualitative changes and improvement of the structure of the tourism industry, improving the efficiency of management and the quality of services. At the same time, the issue of improving the system of strategic marketing planning in the tourist organization, which makes it possible to concentrate the available limited resources on the most important strategic directions, and to ensure the flexibility and maneuverability of their use, becomes especially relevant. Ensuring the competitiveness of the organization is impossible without the development and implementation of an effective marketing positioning strategy. Modern business in a highly competitive economy can be successful if the target audience is correctly selected and the organization of systematic work is done to satisfy and, ideally, anticipate their requests. To organize relations with its target audience, a travel company must pay serious attention to the positioning of itself and its products or services. Positioning is a complex phenomenon and, despite the presence of a wide range of scientific works, the study of its conceptual foundations, directions and methods remains relevant from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. The research proposed and substantiated the author's vision of the peculiarities of the positioning of a tourist company with an emphasis on the characteristics of the tourist product and demand, as well as the nature of competition, as well as proposed approaches to the positioning of tourist companies at two levels: tourist product and tourist operator. The positioning strategy is successfully used in many organizations of the tourism business as it allows you to gain a decisive advantage over competitors, which is especially important for the tourism market, which is characterized by a high level of competition and the provision of similar services that often do not have unique characteristics.

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