
This text is based on the author’s reports at seminars “The Transit of Civilization”, Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies at the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The object of these reports is an analysis of main aspects and trends of the evolution of history: the current routes of universal transit as interdisciplinary area of research and as one of “big challenges” for civilization. The research examines a stepped path of history – three generations of global socio-political organization: from (a) imperial colonization of the planet through (b) decolonization and unification of nations to (c) society of post-colonial nomadism and personal sovereignty. The actuality of the analyses is stressed by urgent need to rethink socio-cultural heritage of civilization as well as its status and complex perspectives. Postcoloniality, heavily relying on creativity, experiments with self-organization/self-realization and thus finds itself in the symbiotic union with Postmodernity.

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