
Introduction. The article considers the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of the sectoral qualifications framework in the field of knowledge Military Sciences, National State Border Security, analyzes the main aspects of building the European Qualifications Framework and provides proposals for unification of military education. Purpose. Requirements for the quality of training of future officers are changing rapidly, however, the qualifications and level of competencies of graduates of higher military educational institutions must meet modern approaches to building and equipping the Armed Forces and other military formations formed in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. Therefore, the problem of quality training of future officers is an urgent task for all stakeholders (applicants for higher education, research and teaching staff, management of law enforcement agencies). Methods. System analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, classification, generalization and systematization. Results. In the process of developing the sectoral qualifications framework, Ukrainian specialists have accumulated significant experience and experience in substantiating the conceptual basis for the creation of this normative document and comparing Ukrainian qualifications with the European Qualifications Framework. At the same time, when developing the sectoral qualifications framework in the military field, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the Ukrainian educational, social, economic and military spheres, as well as the basic principles of the Bologna Process, an important tool of which is the European Qualifications Framework. Originality. Analysis of the main problems in the development of the sectoral qualifications framework in the field of knowledge Military Sciences, National State Border Security and its compliance with the requirements and educational standards of the European and Euro-Atlantic alliances, as well as highlighting the role and place of the sectoral qualifications framework. other military formations of Ukraine. Conclusion. The introduction of a sectoral qualifications framework in the training of security and defense personnel at the national level provides not only a clear structure, the ability to apply highly effective practices of the European and Euro-Atlantic alliances, but also significantly strengthens national security standards, enhances national defense and coherence security and defense.

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