
An important aspect of knowing the state is finding out the laws of its formation. The substantiation of such regularities requires the analysis of ideas, concepts and theories existing in general theoretical science, devoted to the problems of researching the factors and causes of formation. The article clarifies the relevance of the selected problem, its theoretical and practical significance. Attention is focused on the lack of unity among scientists in their views on the process of the origin of the state. The main reasons for the variety of existing theories are determined. On the basis of elucidating the etymological meaning of the categories "theory" and "doctrine", the author's vision of the category "theory of the origin of the state" is substantiated and their features are distinguished. Special attention is paid to the classification of theories of the origin of the state and their characteristics from the point of view of the purpose, content and significance of the laws of state formation. The purpose of the publication is to clarify the doctrinal aspects of the process of the emergence and formation of the state as a special means of organizing society and to give it features of systematicity. The objectivity of the obtained research results was ensured by the application of a system of scientific approaches, principles and methods of cognition. In the process of achieving the set goal, synergistic, systemic, axiological, phenomenological approaches were used, which formed the worldview basis of the study of theories of the origin of the state. The principles of comprehensiveness, historicism, comprehensiveness, professionalism, and systematicity were of great importance in the research process. It should also be mentioned such philosophical-light ice methods as the materialistic one, which emphasizes the knowledge of statehood depending on the economic conditions of social reality and their objectivity; dialectical that studies the formation of the state as a natural result of the development of society, and idealistic one connecting the formation of the state with the subjective consciousness of scientists-authors of theories of the origin of the state. As a result, a conclusion was made about the importance of the doctrinal analysis of the process of state formation and its significance for substantiating the laws of state formation.

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