
The aim of the research is to identify the distinctive characteristics of the terminological composition of navigation discourse. The insufficient study of the peculiarities of the terminology of navigation discourse determines the scientific novelty of the conducted research, which lies in identifying and providing a comprehensive description of the structural and lexical-semantic characteristics of navigation terminology as a component of the maritime discourse terminology system. The results of the research allow us to state that one of the features of the terminological composition of navigation discourse, which has been developing for several centuries, is the presence of a significant layer of loan lexical units. Additionally, the formation and expansion of this terminology system occurred through word formation. The research also revealed that the distinguishing characteristics of navigation terminology include the presence of a significant volume of standard phrases, the frequency of intra-industry polysemantic terms, and a large number of idiomatic terminological units at the level of derivatives and idioms. The study was conducted using the English language material.

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