
Analysis of methods of modification of polymeric textile materials to determine promising directions of obtaining new polymeric textile materials with specified properties. The analytical methods of researching the scientific problem of obtaining new polymeric textile materials with given properties of different types and methods of their chemical and physical modification are used in the article. Today, the main directions of updating and expanding the range of polymeric textile materials are not only obtaining new types of textile fibers and filaments, but their modification in various ways and methods. Therefore, the presented article analyzes the types of modification of polymeric textile materials and identifies promising ways of modifying them to obtain new materials with specified properties. One of the promising ways of modifying polymeric textile materials is the physical, and plasma technology of processing fibers and filaments. Of the plasma technologies and methods, the most effective is the method of application of low-temperature plasma, which allows without changing the chemical structure of the polymer fibers to achieve the predicted change in their properties. The analysis of the methods of modification of textile materials is carried out and the peculiarities of the change in their properties from the influence of various chemical and physical factors on them are determined. The main factors of influence of plasma technologies, changes in the structure and properties of polymeric textile fibrous materials are analyzed and the most promising of them are determined. It has been determined that the most effective, economical and environmentally friendly methods of physical modification of PTM polymers are electrophysical. Methods for the electrophysical modification of polymers of textile threads and fibers make it possible to provide their specific desired properties. Low-temperature plasma treatment of polymers does not affect their supramolecular structure and does not impair their other consumer properties; it can be carried out depending on the plasma parameters and the nature of the polymer fibers of the textile material.

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