
The work considers approaches to choosing the concept of non-rail transport development based on bus and trolleybus systems for the balanced development of passenger traffic. The development of public transport in the direction of reducing the negative environmental impact on the urban environment is considered not only desirable and also required, but the time for the full implementation of the transition to zero environmental impact is not defined. This transition is necessary not only to creating safer environmental conditions in cities, but also to increase the economic efficiency that new technologies bring. There is a need not just to introduce higher environmental standards for rolling stock and internal combustion engines, but to find a quality replacement and revise the concept. The city must strive for environmental standards and new technological innovations. These standards will change urban public transport for the better. All over the world, the main trend is the transition to renewable energy sources and the introduction of environmental technologies in all areas of human activity. Reducing the number of vehicles with internal combustion engines and the number of harmful emissions with them is a top priority. Emission reductions are achieved through the introduction of new environmental standards and technologies in the automotive industry. Reducing the number of internal combustion engines involves the release of new rolling stock in their place, environmentally friendly. People need to move goods, provide services or meet their own needs. To do this, they often have to use public transport, which is represented by such types as: bus, taxi and trolleybus. Bus public transport is a major polluter of the urban environment. Despite the significant investment costs that may arise during implementation, these technologies can lead to a significant positive economic effect in the perspective. The authors of the article considered the economic component of the issue and highlighted the problems and features that characterize each concept of electric buses, and developed their own recommendations.

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