
The current state of the agricultural industry of Ukraine, which, without exaggeration, occupies a key place in the world agricultural market, is analyzed. But despite certain successes, the agrarian industry requires reforms, which is why there is currently a tendency in Ukrainian agribusiness to consolidate structures and form agroholdings that absorb small farms. It is emphasized that the low level of innovative activity of agro-industrial complex enterprises in Ukraine is not only due to insufficient state financial support, but also due to the lack of qualified specialists, lack of experience in conducting innovation and investment activities, lagging behind the level of the technical and technological base, etc. It was noted that the lack of new approaches to conducting innovative investment activities, targeted production of highly competitive agricultural products and the introduction of innovative equipment, technologies or modernized means leads to the failure to implement plans for the development of the agricultural industry in Ukraine. The main influencing factors on the development of the agro-industrial complex were identified and a set of measures of an organizational and economic nature were proposed, which are implemented on the basis of the concept and ensure the effective functioning of the agro-industrial complex. The main goals of the Comprehensive Strategy for the Development of the Agricultural Industry of Ukraine have been formulated and the proposed concept, which is a step-by-step algorithm, and the implementation of the proposed directions will ensure the creation of conditions for the attractiveness of labor in the agricultural industry, agricultural producers with new technologies, technicians, will increase the level of use of land, labor resources, fixed and circulating assets, will ensure accelerated access of agricultural organizations to scientific developments, recommendations of scientific research institutions due to the interconnection of production, science, education and business, will increase the competitiveness of products on the basis of reducing losses, cost, and ensuring innovation. The five instruments that were proposed have the goal that each country and region, each urban agglomeration and population will increase incomes, reduce business risks and increase employment, and each of the five instruments will contribute to the development of agro-industrial complex in Ukraine and facilitate the process attract investments in agribusiness, increase the competitiveness of agribusiness and the agro-industrial complex, increase food security.

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