
Under current conditions, the innovative development of agriculture in Russia has a positive effect on the growth of competitiveness of the sector. There are hidden reserves, the usage of which would allow making a breakthrough in the development of the agro-industrial complex in many regions of Russia over the coming decade. One of them is achieving the goals of the digital transformation of the country’s economy, which generally means economic activity, based on digital technologies. The development of digital technologies in various spheres of life has increased attention from the government in current economic conditions. The authors argue that today’s agro-industrial complex is one of the most dynamic and promising points of applying new technologies. The ongoing digital transformations are going to have a considerable influence on the development of the whole agro-industrial complex in general, the authors argue. The technological solutions, which are suggested at present and are going to be implemented in the nearest future, will most likely initiate both the cost escalation of agriculturally used lands and the increase of crop yields for cultivated plants from one hectare. The representation and coordination of product and traffic flow using digital tools are expected to increase their efficiency and transparency and improve the working conditions.

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