
The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of persuasiveness expression in the Demosthenes’ speeches on the material of the first and second Philippics. The analysis of the text of these speeches made it possible to distinguish a number of linguistic and rhetorical means used by the author to increase the level of persuasiveness of the speeches. In particular, emphasis is placed on the Demosthenes’ usage of numerous particles and conjunctions (with different meanings: conditionality, amplification, negation and opposition), syntactic constructions (Genetivus absolutus, Accusativus / Nominativus cum infinitivo), emphatic usage of the personal pronoun in the first person. The rhetorical techniques by which the speaker convinces the audience are identified and commented upon: alternation of direct and impersonal appeals to the audience; paradox, hyperbole, metaphor, erothema, antithesis, rhetorical question, as well as syntactic and semantic pleonasm. Demosthenes combines different principles according to Aristotelian categories of logos (logical reasoning and sequences, calculations of costs), ethos (oaths to Zeus, gods; usage of one’s authority for persuasion; emphasis on service to the common good as the main principle) and pathos (pathetic, sometimes even angry appeals; appeal to strong emotions of listeners).

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