
The purpose of the study is to analyze a set of characteristics of the cognitive sphere of qualified women-boxers in the preparatory and training period. Materials and methods. The article presents the results of a pedagogical experiment that took place at the Koncha-Zaspa sports base with the participation of 19 qualified female boxers. According to the purpose of the study, a comprehensive analysis of the cognitive sphere of combatants in the preparatory period was carried out. The computer complex "Multipsychometer-05" was used to study the features of the cognitive sphere in the preparatory period of women-boxers. To assess the cognitive functions of skilled boxers the techniques of "Regularity" was used to solve verbal problems, which is designed to study the thinking process, including: activity, intelligence, flexibility and RAM and the Domino test to determine nonverbal intellectual abilities. The reliability and validity of the results of scientific research was provided by modern methodological approaches widely used in the theory and methodology of sports training; the use of informative research methods that meet the goals and objectives; a sufficient sample size and the use of modern methods of mathematical statistics in the processing. Results and discussion. The peculiarities of the manifestation of cognitive organization in skilled women-boxers in the conditions of psycho-emotional load were determined. Performing the test task "Establishing patterns" gave us the opportunity to determine verbal intelligence, namely, performance indicators of the function of perception, thinking and attention. Thus, 47.4% (n = 9) of athletes had a low level of verbal intelligence, 31.6% (n = 6) had a medium level and 21.0% (n = 4) had a high level of productivity. The presence of high and medium levels of performance in boxers indicates an increased level of verbal intelligence in women-boxers. The Domino test was used to study nonverbal intellectual abilities. Low values of performance on the Domino test were found in 42.1% (n = 8) of female boxers. The average level was found in 26.4% (n = 5) of athletes, and the remaining 31.6% (n = 6) had a high level of nonverbal intelligence. In most groups boxers showed a high level of nonverbal intelligence, which determines the peculiarities of perception in the process of training to succeed in sports. The remaining female boxers are characterized by nonverbal intellectual abilities. Their intellect is associated with the perception of external factors associated with the opponent's action. They have the ability to quickly respond to situations that develop in a duel. Conclusion. The results of the performance of the verbal test task by athletes, indicate a high degree of expression of the processes of perception and processing of verbal information and an increased level of correctly solved tasks in 52.3% of boxers. In the course of scientific research we found that 52.3% (n = 10) women-boxers have the ability to operate with real objects, images of objects, images, perceive and process information of varying complexity due to sufficient manifestation of nonverbal intelligence

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