
The article is devoted to the actual topic, which reflects modern trends in the development of the information society. The author tried to derive the formula of personal capitalization in the system of self-improvement of the subject. Since modern society is influences by rapid information mobility, individuals have to constantly change. The speed with, which information flows actualize modern human activity, cannot be compared, analyzed or even determined. We can only observe certain trends, but as soon as we can focus on them, they immediately lose their relevance. High informatization conditions imposed on constantly changing trends present new requirements for a modern person. They are little perceptible and the subject is in a constant search for personality characteristics that can satisfy the "insatiable appetites" of the information egregor.The theoretical basis of this article, the work of Michel Foucault, «Self-care» is especially interesting. In this work the author anticipated the modern culture, referring to the work of Christopher Lef «The culture of narcissism». The study of postmodern society updated a list of issues: whether individuals need «spiritual exercises», how to form a system in «self-care», in “knowing yourself”, what is behind these transformations – personal growth or manipulative technologies of a consumer society.The author notes that a person located between social networks, between everyday life and its future projection, loses real assessments of what is happening. These “three pillars” determine the economic, socio-psychological, spiritual and cultural portrait of a modern subject in the conditions of the information society. A person, as a hostage of the system, is looking for opportunities to satisfy their requirements. A personal approach to achieving this goal is the most relevant, since it is much easier at the individual level to adapt to information mobility. For this, it is necessary to undertake the capitalization of one’s own personality in order to be able to allocate assets and liabilities, profitably actualize strengths and work out weaknesses in order to increase competitiveness in the human resources market.Such a pragmatic approach is necessary, first of all, for the individual himself. Working on your-self, self-improvement processes are quite difficult. For their implementation, willpower and internal motivation are necessary. The source of such motivation is most often located from outside, attracting additional external resources. The individual scans the reality around us through the information channels, with the possibility of continuous analysis, feedback searching, how it meets the requirements of a modern public.The analysis of health capital, emotional capital, spiritual capital and social capital are presented as part of a systematic approach, where all components are closely intertwined. The relevance of the topic is to develop a system of personal capital to increase the capitalization of the individual in the information society. Understanding this combination will allow a person to use their own resources more comfortably, as well as better understand personal prospects for growth and development.

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