
There are many names of wives of writers, poets, scientists and politicians in the world’s history. They were assistants, who inspired their husbands contributed to their success. Dominica Ohiienko (1882-1937) is one of these wives. Thirty years of Ivan Ohiienko’s life she was his faithful friend, mother of his children and inspiration in his job. The paper observes the underestimated and unknown in the research literature re-lationships in the family of the famous ukrainian statesman, religious fi gure, scientist, interpreter and publisher Ivan Ohiienko. His wife Dominica Ohiienko was always on his side, but very modest, stayed in the shadow.The scientistic novelty of the paper is the fi rst attempt to study the creation of the prominent scientist through the prism of family, devoted wife and great mother. The aim of the paper is to research and to study the epistolary developments of Ivan Ohiienko, to elucidate the little-known details of the Dominica Ohiienko’s biography, to investigate her role as rewrites, critic, co-author in Ivan Ohiienko’s con-structive and research process and to investigate the peculiarities of the Ohiienko’s creation. The correspondence, literary works, little-known unexplored details of biog-raphy, which help to defi ne the unknown facts of life and developments of the couple are introduced in the literary usage for the fi rst time.Scientist signifi cance of the paper is the fact, that Dominica Ohiienko had a huge role in the developments and works of her husband Ivan Ohiienko. As soon as Suche understood that the creation of her husband are the great gift for Ukraine and the whole ukrainian nation, Dominica Ohiienko became indispensable helper of Ivan Ohiienko. Her contribution in the creative work of her husband is underestimated. There were written and published over the thirty textbooks, manuals, dictionaries, tables for stud-ying Ukrainian language for each stratum of society during their matrimony. Despite of the huge amount of obligatios as rector and minister, Ivan and Dominica Ohiienko transferred the speech of Taras Shevchenko literary works to the 200 thousands cards with comments and explanations in Kamianets-Podilskyi. Moreover they investigated the ukrainian typography, published the magazine «Ridna Mowa», scientifi c-literary magazine «Nasha Kultura» and many more.

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