
Objective. Identify the frequency of occurrence of various morphological types and different degrees of severity of anemia in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. Material and methods.Were analyzed97 case histories of patients operated for autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT)in 2012. When assessing hematological parameters, two groups were identified: group 1 – patients with AIT with mild anemia (n = 72), age 45.7 ± 1.6, men - 5 (6.9%), women - 67 (93, 1%); group 2 - patients with AIT with moderate anemia (n = 25), age 40.0 ± 2.3, men - 1 (4%), women - 24 (96%). In the clinical analysis of blood, hemoglobin, hematocrit, the number of erythrocytes and erythrocyte indexes of MCV, MCH, MCHC were determined. Results. By morphological type in patients with AIT with mild anemia, the hypochromic type was observed in 56 (77.8%) patients, normochromic - in 16 (22.2%) patients. In moderate anemia, this tendency was more pronouned: hypochromic type of anemia was detected in 23 (92%) patients, normochromic type - in 1(4%) and hyperchromic in 1(4%). Thus, in patients with AIT, mild anemia was more often determined (in 72.4%), then moderate anemia (in 25.7%). With moderate severity of anemia, microcytic (84%) and hypochromic (92%) types of anemia were more often observed. With mild anemia, the same types of anemias were observed, but with a lower frequency (76.4% and 77.8%, respectively). Conclusion. The hemogram in patients with AIT was characterized by a more frequent development of mild anemia (72.4%). With mild anemia, hematological disorders were characterized by microcytic (76.4%) and hypochromic (77.8%) types of anemia. Similar, but more pronounced disorders were observed in moderate anemia: microcytic 84% and hypochromic 92%, which is characteristic for iron deficiency anemia

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